The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. By Leonardo da Vinci - Unknown source, Public Domain,

Vatican takes offence at scene in Olympic opening ceremony

News Sport

The Holy See says it “deplores the “offence” caused to Christians by a scene in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics. The scene seemed to reference Leonardo da Vinci‘s The Last Supper, featuring drag queens.

In a statement released a week after the ceremony, the Vatican stated it was “saddened by certain scenes”. The Holy See’s statement went on to say, it “can only join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore the offence caused to many Christians and believers of other religions.”

At a prestigious event where the whole world comes together to share common values, there should be no allusions ridiculing the religious convictions of many people,” the statement continued.

The Vatican emphasised that “The freedom of expression, which is clearly not called into question here, is limited by respect for others.”

The ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, denied the scene was inspired by da Vinci’s painting. He asserts it was meant to celebrate diversity and French gastronomy,. However, critics argued that it portrayed Jesus and his apostles. LGBTQ+ activist Barbara Butch wore a silver headdress, which could be interpreted as a halo, was joined by drag performers in the depiction.

The Vatican’s response highlights the tension between artistic expression and respect for religious beliefs.

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