Local elections in Italy

Local elections in Italy – 6 million called to vote


Over six million Italians are called to the polls in local elections across the country on Sunday and Monday. It is an interesting time for both Meloni and Schlein, as the results could be seen by either as a vindication of their leadership style.

Some 6.3 million Italian voters are called to the polls in the first electoral test after last September’s general election. Then the centre-right celebrated a crushing win.

Citizens will turn out in 790 towns and cities including 13 provincial capitals: Ancona, Brescia, Brindisi, Imperia, Latina, Massa, Pisa, Siena, Sondrio, Teramo, Terni, Treviso and Vicenza.

Italian newspapers have identified five key battlegrounds in the local elections: Brescia, Ancona, Vicenza, Pisa and Siena. Of these, the first two are currently ruled by the centre left; the centre-right governs the last three.

In the 2022 local elections, the centre-left took key towns. However, three months later they were crushed in the general election.

Second round of voting

The possible second round of voting, in towns with more than 15,000 inhabitants where the mayoral candidate has not obtained 50%+1 of the vote, will take place on May 28-29.

Trentino and Val d’Aosta will vote on May 21. Sicily and Sardinia will post their votes on May 28-29, so their possible run-offs will be later.

Voting stations opened at seven o’clock Sunday and will stay open till eleven o’clock Sunday night. Opening times on Monday are from 7am to 3pm.  

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