
No signed Starlink deals between Italy and SpaceX, says PM’s Office

Business News

Premier Giorgia Meloni’s office dismissed reports of a deal between Italy and Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink programme as “ridiculous” on Monday. The denial followed speculation that talks with US President-elect Donald Trump included discussions about SpaceX.

“The Presidency of the Council denies that contracts have been signed or agreements have been concluded between the Italian Government and the SpaceX company for the use of the Starlink satellite communications system,” a statement from Palazzo Chigi said.

“The discussions with SpaceX are part of the normal investigations that the State apparatus has with companies. In this case, with those that deal with protected connections for the needs of communicating encrypted data.

“The Presidency of the Council denies even more categorically, considering it simply ridiculous, the news that the SpaceX topic was discussed during the meeting with the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump,” the statement added.

Opposition Calls for Government Transparency

Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein urged the government to address parliament on rumours of the deal to manage Italy’s telecoms security.

“Don’t think you can get away with a few lines entrusted to the press agencies and friendly newspapers,” Schlein said.

“Giorgia Meloni and her government should come immediately to report to Parliament on the negotiations with Musk,” Schlein continued.

“If €1.5 billion of Italian money to bring the satellites of the American billionaire to our country is the price we have to pay for his friendship, we are not going to accept it. Italy is not selling out.”

Salvini: “Musk Represents Opportunity, Not Threat”

Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini defended the idea of an agreement with Musk. He highlighted the potential for innovation and improved connectivity in Italy.

“Musk is a protagonist of innovation at a global level: a possible agreement with him to guarantee connection and modernity throughout Italy would not be a danger but an opportunity,” Salvini said.

“I trust the government will speed up in this direction, because offering better services to citizens is a duty,” added Salvini.

Elon Musk responded on Monday, expressing his willingness to assist Italy with cutting-edge connectivity solutions. “Ready to provide Italy with the most secure and advanced connectivity!” Musk wrote on X. His message followed reassurances about Starlink’s security and sovereignty guarantees, shared by his Italian contact, Andrea Stroppa.

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