Scenes following the Eni fuel depot explosion at Calenzano

Maintenance underway at time of deadly Calenzano explosion


Investigators revealed that two separate maintenance operations were underway in Calenzano when a fatal explosion occurred on Monday morning. Eni states only one operation was underway.

One operation focused on a supply line used for loading oil onto tanker trucks at platform 7, adjacent to platform 6 in the loading area. The second involved repairing two malfunctioning vapour recovery units—one large and one small—on platform 6, where the explosion took place.

The blast claimed the lives of three tanker truck drivers and two maintenance workers, while nine others sustained injuries.

Prosecutors are examining all aspects of the maintenance work to determine the cause of the explosion.

Eni stated the second maintenance operation had not started yet when the blast occurred, contrary to previous reports. The fuel giant said the “second intervention had been planned that morning but had not physically started. It was therefore not ongoing at the time of the explosion”.

The Calenzano facility spans 170,300 square metres and handles the receipt, storage, and distribution of petrol, diesel, and kerosene. It is connected to Eni’s Livorno refinery via two pipelines.

An alarm was raised seconds before the fatal Calenzano explosion.

Eni stated that the plant has been in operation since 1956.

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