‘Historic’ vote on Tuesday means Italian state must now protect animals and ecosystems “in the interest of future generations.”
The changes to the constitution means the economy must protect animals and ecosystems. In addition, the new law states private industry can no longer impact the climate and implements animal protection.
Both politicians and activists hailed the inclusion of environment and animal protection as ‘historic’.
“I think it is an epochal day,” Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani said in a statement.
“It is right that the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems become a founding value of our Republic, it is an essential step for a country like Italy which is facing its own ecological transition.”
‘well-defined rules’ for protecting the planet
Cingolani added the achievement allows Italy to have “well-defined rules” for protecting the planet. He congratulated Italy on choosing to protect the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, saying “ you are choosing to protect future generations.”
“Today’s vote represents a historical fact,” says Donatella Bianchi, president of WWF Italy. “Finally, environmental protection becomes a fundamental principle of the Republic to which future legislation will have to be inspired and to which past legislation will have to adapt.”
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