Police in Italy arrest a nurse on charges of faking covid vaccinations to at least 45 people so they could get a health pass fraudulently. The vaccines were binned and the nurse applied bandages on the “patients” so no one would suspect.
Ancona police also placed four alleged accomplices under house arrest. They stand accused of finding anti-vaccine customers willing to pay for a health pass.
The 45 people who allegedly received the passes are under investigation. They must check in daily with police and prevented from leaving their cities, a police statement said.
Filmed at work
Police filmed the nurse faking covid vaccinations in the hub of Ancona. The nurse apparently squirted the needle’s contents into the medical waste bin before pretending to inject the patient’s arm. They then put a plaster on the patient’s arm.
The suspects are accused of corruption, falsifying information and embezzlement.
There have been several cases of police investigations into fake health passes, including the case of a dentist who went to get his jab with a silicone fake arm. Following the subsequent investigation, the dentist said he had since got vaccinated and was merely protesting against the government’s vaccine mandates for health care workers.
Italy puts pressure on unvaccinated
Italy has cracked down increasingly hard on the unvaccinated, requiring proof of vaccination or a recent recovery from COVID-19 to access a host of activities and public transport. In addition, the government announced mandatory vaccination of the over-50s from 15th February.