Two Turin teachers from a high school were forbidden from entering their workplace by the principal of the school where they teach, because they did not have the Green Pass.
The Turin teachers are Giuseppe Pantaleo and Alisa Matizen, teachers at the Curie-Levi. This morning, around 8, they showed up with a written certificate from a doctor that gave them exemption from the vaccination.
The principle did not consider it valid for admission to the school.
According to the two teachers, the certificate should have allowed them to be considered “exempt” from the green pass. But the head teacher did not agree.
The teachers remained in front of the institute for two hours. They also cited an exemption to the vaccine which would have been in force in the school until 30 September. One of the teachers, Alisa Matizen, is known for her activity in the Pas movement (Priority to the School).
Tuscany: nine teachers rejected
Nine teachers in Tuscany do not have a Green pass and therefore are not admitted to school. This is what is learned from the regional school office. At the moment, there are no other problems in reference to children or school staff.
Milan no cases
There would be no reports of teachers and workers rejected at the entrance of schools because they do not have a Green Pass in Milan, according to what is reported by the local Flc Cgil.
“There have been situations above all of people recovered from Covid to whom the application gave a “red light “which, however, were resolved by calling the doctor” explains Jessica Merli, general secretary of the Flc Cgil Milan.
“To date – adds Merli – the problem is relative”, while September 13 will be different, when the bell will ring for the students. “There is still a lot of information on what to do. The legislation is empty and there are enormous problems in applying it, so the situation will have to be monitored in the next few days,” concluded the trade unionist.