rome killer to undergo psychiatric test

Rome killer to have psychiatric test

By Region Central Italy News

The alleged killer of three Rome women is to have a psychiatric test based on his previous treatment for mental issues and problems with drugs. He is accused of stabbing to death two Chinese and one Colombian trans sex workers last week.

Giandavide De Pau, the 51-year-old former driver of Camorra boss Michele Senese, is accused of three murders. Two Chinese sex workers, as well as a 65-year-old Colombian trans prostitute, Martha Castano, were stabbed together in Rome last week.

The defence team said their client will probably not answer the questions of a preliminary investigations judge (GIP) later Wednesday.

“His psychiatric profile will have to be examined by prosecutors also. De Pau was free because his detention was not warranted and no one, not even the psychiatrists who had examined him, had been aware of his dangerousness”, they said.

De Pau’s sister Francesca told La Stampa daily Wednesday that “I love my brother but I couldn’t help but report him. It was a case of three women’s deaths”.

Police have said De Pau was looking for counterfeit documents in order to flee the country and that he may have killed other women.

Film of the killings

Police found videos, one lasting 14 minutes and the other 42 minutes, of the murders of Yang Yun Xia, 45, and Li Yan Rong, 55, on the phone of the 51-year-old former Camorra boss driver De Pau.

The Rome killer has been charged with the murder of two prostitutes at two flats in Via Riboty before driving to Via Durazzo, in the same tony Prati district, where he also killed the 65-year-old Colombian trans prostitute, Martha Castano, on November 17. Police did not find any footage of the third murder on De Pau’s phone.

De Pau, who killed Castano with a stiletto during sex after stabbing the two Chinese women in the neck, chest and back, has now been linked to a cold case prostitute murder in Rome several years ago.

Cold case being reinvestigated

There is at least another murder of a prostitute being probed in connection with the triple killings, police said Wednesday.

It is a cold case which bears similarities to the latest murders. “There are many analogies,” police said. Police are trying to delve into the history of the 51-year-old De Pau and see if he may be linked to the cold case.

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