Public transport strike called in Rome and Milan . Editorial credit: Travelling Jack /

Italy ready for public transport strike on Friday 3 December

Coronavirus News Travel & Tourism

The UGL trade union Autoferro e Ferrovieri has called a public transport strike. It is in protest over the mandatory use of the Green Pass in Italy on public transport.

Employees of Rome’s municipal public transport company ATAC will strike from 08.30 until 12.30 on Friday. Services affected include affecting bus, metro, tram and light-rail services. It may possibly affect Roma TPL bus services.

The four-hour strike in Milan will take place from 18.00 to 22.00 on Friday and involve employees of the city’s ATM transport company.

Italy’s state railway Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) expects disruption to its services, from 09.00 until 17.00 on Friday, as does the Trenord railway service.

Nationwide action

The nationwide action was called by the UGL trade union Autoferro e Ferrovieri against the obligation for workers to have the Green Pass. This is a certificate proving the holder has been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from covid-19. From 6 December until 15 January, ‘Super Green Pass’ rules come into effect; these exclude the unvaccinated from a wide range of social, cultural and sporting activities.

Until now the Green Pass was not required for local public transport or regional rail travel. However, with the advent of the Super rules, it will be mandatory from 6 December until at least 15 January. There is the possibility this could be extended further into 2022.

Super Green Pass impacts the unvaccinated

Those who are unvaccinated will need to be tested for covid every few days, in order to use public transport.

The Italian news agency ANSA reports that Rome police will enforce the new rules, carrying out checks over the Christmas season.

Image credit: Travelling Jack /

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