help for earners of low-medium income

Italian Government pledges help for low-medium income earners


Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti pledged help was on the way “in the next few days” for low to medium income earners in Italy.

Giorgetti said measures to ease high energy bills would be “accompanied in the next few days by a further edge for payroll workers with low to middle incomes”.

Briefing a joint session of the parliamentary budget committees, Giorgetti added there were “positive signs” on the general economic front. However, he added “an elevated uncertainty remains”. 

The Italian median income was €22,540 in 2021, according to the statistics released by the Department for Fiscal Policy of the Ministry of the Economy. An overall total indicated in the 2022 declarations was €912.4 billion. That is 47 billion more than the previous year (+5.5%).

Who earns the most?

The highest average income is from self-employment, equal to €60,520. For owners of sole proprietorships (entrepreneurs) it is €24,130. Employees declare €21,500, pensioners €18,900.

Lombardy leads the territorial ranking with €26,600. At the bottom is Calabria at €16,300.

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One in four taxpayers in Italy declares less than €15,000 a year. The inland revenue service’s financial department said 26% of total taxpayers declared up to €15,000 and paid a proportion of all personal income tax (IRPEF) of 3.6%.

Only 4% of taxpayers declared more than €70,000, who however pay 31% of the total tax. The remaining 70% of taxpayers lie between €15,000 and €70,000 per annum and declare 65% of the total IRPEF declared. All figures refer to 2021.

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