Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday hailed the decision to postpone a key EU vote on a proposed halt to the sale of carbon-emitting vehicles from 2035 as “an Italian success”.
The vote was postponed following opposition from Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Germany, EU sources said.
“The postponement, to a date yet to be set, of the vote at the meeting of EU ambassadors on the regulation for the stop of the sale of new diesel and petrol cars from 2035 is an Italian success,” Meloni said via Twitter.
“The position of our government is clear. A fair, sustainable transition must be planned and carried out with care in order to avoid negative repercussions in terms of production and employment.
“Coreper’s decision to go back to the issue at an appropriate time goes exactly in the direction of technological neutrality that we proposed”.
The vote regarding halting the sale of carbon-emitting vehicles referred to diesel and petrol cars.