employment rises in Italy

Employment rose in March 2022 except for those aged under 25

Business News

ISTAT reports Italy’s employment rate reached 59.9% in March. That equates to 23.04million people employed, the highest since this statistical series record started in 2004.

ISTAT, the national statistics agency, said the number of people in employment in Italy rose by 81,000 in March compared to February. There was also an increase of  804,000 in comparison to March 2021. The increase was mainly attributable to women and people over the age of 24.

In short, the number of employed persons rose (+0.4%), whereas both unemployed and inactive people decreased. Inactive persons are those aged 15-64 who do not meet the definition of employed or unemployed.

Women in work

According to ISTAT, 9.776 million women were in work in Italy – 51.2% of women of working age.

In total, the agency reports there are 984,000 women unemployed. On the other hand, there are 8.149 million women who meet the definition of inactive.

The percentage of unemployed women is 9.2% compared to that of men which sits at 7.6%.

Unemployment rises amongst the young

ISTAT said the unemployment rate dropped by 0.2% to 8.3%, taking it down to the level of 2010.

However, the unemployment rate amongst those active on the employment market, aged under 25, increased by 0.3%.

In total, there are 5.786 million Italians registered between the ages of 15 to 24. Of those, 1.103million are employed, 359,000 are unemployed and 4.324million are considered inactive.

Related article: biggest wage drop in EU during pandemic

Overall employment statistics

In March, the decrease of inactive people aged 15-64 (-0.6%, -72,000) was recorded for both men and women and all age groups. The inactivity rate fell to 34.5% (-0.2%).

In the period January-March 2022, with respect to the previous quarter (October-December), the employment rose (+0.6%, +133,000). The inactivity rate fell to 34.5% (-0.2 %).

In the last three months, a drop was registered for both unemployed persons (-6%, -136,000) and inactive people aged 15-64 years (-0.4%, -54,000).

Compared with March 2021, the number of employed persons increased by 3.6% (+804,000), the growth concerning both genders and all age groups. The employment rate showed an increase of 2.8%.

On a yearly basis, the rise of employed people was accompanied by a decrease of both unemployed persons (-16.6%, -412,000) and inactive people aged 15-64 (-5.5%, -747,000).

Which EU country has the highest employment rate?

In 2021, Iceland had the highest employment rate among European Union countries as of the third quarter, at 82.5%. Italy reported the lowest employment rate in the third quarter of 2021 at 59.2%.

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