Palace of Caserta designed by architevt Luigi Vanvitelli. Imagen de Olivier en Pixabay

Caserta Palace opens Vanvitelli Halls

Culture News

Luigi Vanvitelli was the architect of the Royal Palace of Caserta. To celebrate the 250th year of his death, the palace is opening a hall to honour him.

For the 250th anniversary of Luigi Vanvitelli’s passing, the Royal Palace of Caserta (Reggia di Caserta) is opening a hall to honour the man who built it, titled “the Vanvitelli Halls”.

These are spaces that are now re-opening to the museum on the first floor of the Royal Palace with access to the Body Guards’ Hall.

The purpose is to increase the knowledge of Vanvitelli’s life. There will also be a large “touch wall” dedicated to the Royal Palace’s building site.

It is a permanent exhibit, part of the project “1773-2023 Luigi Vanvitelli the Maestro and his heritage”. The project is supported and promoted by Caserta’s Royal Palace Museum, in cooperation with the municipality of Caserta. “We realised that among the many events commemorating the 250 years anniversary since Vanvitelli’s death, there was nothing that talked about his life and the ‘world’ he operated in”, explains the General Director of the Royal Palace of Caserta, Tiziana Maffei.”For this reason we are dedicating four of the rooms that reopened on the first floor to Vanvitelli’s life”.

The Vanvitelli Halls

The architect’s sculpture – a preparatory model of the same statue placed in the centre of the town of Caserta – opens the exhibit. Meanwhile, to its right, on a multimedia player, his memoirs appear. You’ll also find an oil portrait of Luigi Vanvitelli by Giacinto Diano, and the wooden model of the Palace’s façade.  

The journey to discover the man and his work continues in three other rooms.

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